Home Inspections

Our inspections are comprehensive examinations of all aspects of a building system. A thorough analysis of the property, conducted by specially trained & completely objective professionals.


Condo Inspections

Just like a home inspection but some areas may not be inspected due to no access and/or they are responsibility of an association. We still point out issues so the association can be notified.


Wind Mitigation

A wind mitigation inspection is an assessment that evaluates your home's structure against high velocity winds. It is a form for insurance purposes which could help you save up to 85% of your policy premium. Only available in Florida


Four Point Inspection

This inspection report is also for insurance purposes. It is mandatory in the state of Florida for homes 30 years or older, if you are seeking to buy an insurance policy. This inspection will check, test and report about: Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC and Roofing systems using an insurance form. Only available in Florida


Roof Certification

This inspection report is also for insurance purposes. It is not mandatory unless requested by the lender. It is included in the Four Point Inspection Report. It is recommended for homes not older than 25 years. It will only inspect your roof and certify its life expectancy. Only available in Florida



*Termite Inspection
*Mold Inspections
*Air Quality Test
These inspections are performed by licensed specialized third party companies. You will receive special discounts when combined with a full home inspection.


Why Inspect?

See more in our Gallery.

Many homes are remodeled without city permits which could result in costly fines and penalties. We research the building department records of every home.

We provide pictures of labels of all major appliances.

This brand new roof was not properly sloped drastically reducing the life expectancy of the covering material by 70% or even more.

Leaking A/C ducks in the attic, like this one, will increase your electric bill and reduce the life expectancy of your A/C machines.